
Miss Connie老師評語:
Ivan is a very kind and sweet young man. He plays extremely well, and is very social with other children. Ivan shows a great love of school and performs well in many areas. He enjoys reading/listening to stories and is very attentive to what is happening in the stories and is able to make inferences/predictions on what is going to happen next or why things happened. Ivan shows a great understanding of certain math concept; for example, counting and associating numbers with an amount. When he counts he is able to look at a group of objects and is able to visually/mentally count the objects without pointing and is able to associate a number value to the objects. He shows a great interest in exploring things in terms of cause and effect. For example, he enjoys building the Hot Wheels track, adjusting different placement of the track, and observing how the cars go down the track (flipping over, jumping, etc.)
Continue to give Ivan opportunities to strengthen his find motor skills (finger, hands) and gross motor skills (whole body, running, jumping, hopping). Also continue to Read!



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